Look what came in the mail today! Advance Review Copies of my latest middle grade novel, New Kids & Underdogs. Here is Walt checking it out.

And here is a better look at the cover:

This book is about new kid Robyn Kellen. When a dog trainer refuses to teach her dogs agility training because of their disabilities, she convinces the trainer’s grandson to take up the task. Like all my books, it’s funny, but it is also heartfelt and kind. And don’t worry about the dogs, they live!
I especially like this book because Robyn is a very experienced new kid. She has moved six times by the time she settles in her new town. I too was a very experienced new kid. On average I went to a new school every other year until I reached high school. So I know what that is like–for good and for bad, and I’m glad I get a chance to talk about it here.
I also like this book because–duh–there are lots of dogs in it. If you’ve read We Could Be Heroes, you’ve probably figured out that I LOVE dogs. In New Kids & Underdogs, Robyn’s dogs, Sundae and Fudge, learn agility dog training, which is the coolest sport ever. You can watch a video of real live dogs doing it here.
Be sure to add New Kids & Underdogs to your to-be-read list. In fact, make it easy on yourself, preorder New Kids & Underdogs today!