Happy July, friends! I hope your summer is going smashingly! I just got back from a trip to Owego, New York, where my ancestors lived in the early 1800s! As the gazebo suggests, it’s truly a charming village, like something out of a movies about the late 1800s–maybe the Music Man or something.

And here are portraits of my great, great, great grandparents, who were kind of a big deal back then!

I don’t know. What do you think? Do you see a family resemblance?
When I returned to California, I was delighted to see that my interview with Theo Baker, host of the wonderful SCBWI podcast had dropped. Give it a listen! I talk about funny girls, cultivating your writerly voice, and lots more.
Now, what are you reading this summer? I loved the nonfiction book The Art Thief by Michael Finkel. It’s about a couple in France who, over the course of about 10 years, manage to steal two billion dollars worth of art! It is shocking and incredible. I highly recommend it.